Sunday 16 December 2018

Bible verses about Cold Weather by Mark Young

For those who are homeless, & have no options for shelter during the cold inclement months, why not stream tracks & playlists from Balaclava Microfibber to your desktop or mobile device to raise your spirits?

When your asshole feels as if God is tearing through it, remember dog breeds with thick coats & body fat can cause muscle stiffness & spasms if you have multiple sclerosis or suffer from spasticity.

If you have a cold room, or a basement that is partly below ground, you may be able to cancel the buses & instead keep an underground cheese cave that relies solely on the soil temperature.

Gaming Sites must not disconnect, & must reconnect, the utility service of a residential customer during the weekend after Thanksgiving.

More stringent citizenship requirements fit smoothly under a helmet & normally serve up some of the best marathon-racing weather in the nation. Find out if you can claim $25 for every cold week this winter.

Royal Marine helicopters landed on the grounds of The Mountain & Cold Weather Company to take the governor to task for hiding behind unnamed sources in that attack on City Hall last week.

A cooperative electric association in Sacramento, Calif., then took the governor to task for getting a job at an ice factory because of its deals on insulated camouflage jackets & coats.

Buff® headwear, with its variety of jewelry accessories at great prices, is one of the most exceptional organizations you'll find in any Army ROTC unit in the country.

Weeknight dinners are a breeze when you plan ahead. Nobody was more disappointed than God when Sandberg chose to walk away from the Phillies when he did.


Mark Young lives in a small town in North Queensland in Australia, & has been publishing poetry for almost sixty years. He is the author of around forty-five books, primarily text poetry but also including speculative fiction, vispo, & art history. His work has been widely anthologized, & his essays & poetry translated into a number of languages. His most recent books are les échiquiers effrontés, a collection of surrealist visual poems laid out on chessboard grids, published by Luna Bisonte Prods, & The Word Factory: a miscellany, from gradient books of Finland. Due for publication are Residual sonnets from Ma Books, & an e-book, A Vicarious Life — the backing tracks, from otata.

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